Gosh, it’s been a long time since I’ve actually blogged for my OWN business. I love being a Virtual Assistant, but there are times when doing “all the things” for other small businesses, it can make you neglect some of the aspects in your business that you love to do. Blogging is one of those […]

2021 Year in Review: Kaitie Gill Consulting

2020 wasn’t the best, but it has helped me truly realize what is most important. It’s also exposed a lot of areas in my life that need work which is why I decided on the word “establish” for my Word of the Year.

My Word of the Year for 2021

My Word of the Year for 2021 Establish Blog Feature Image

If I’ve been taught anything this year it’s just how important for my sanity and mental health to allow myself to recharge after a long week.

10 Ways to Recharge After a Long Week

10 Ways to Recharge After A Long Week Blog Feature Image